DATE : 01/10/2020
AFITEXINOV contributes its expertise to Strasbourg’s Western Bypass project (COS)
VINCI Construction Terrassement Étanchéité called upon AFITEXINOV as part of Strasbourg’s Western Bypass project (COS). Drainage and earth retention products were installed during one of France’s largest motorway construction projects.
Approximately twenty ponds were equipped with 15,000 m2 of DRAINTUBE for the mechanical protection of the geomembrane, the distribution of hydraulic underpressure and gas drainage (combined with ALVÉOGAZ on the crest of slopes).
After this, 69,000 m2 of NOTEX C were installed to retain topsoil on the inner slopes of the ponds.
Project management : Ingérop
Company : VINCI Construction Terrassement Étanchéité
Project Manager : Besson Julien
Design manager : Emilie Tardif