Building construction


SOMTUBE FTB / DRAINTUBE FTP - Under-paving drainage blanket

Marquage CE


SOMTUBE® FTB or DRAINTUBE® FTP are designed for draining water from the subformation level, under the concrete slab to replace traditional draining subbases (granular materials and angled drains).

This system can operate continuously in the groundwater table. It must be connected to a network of drainage trenches and a discharge point (lifting unit).

The polyethylene film makes it possible to pour a slab directly onto the product with no risk of clogging the geotextile due to concrete laitance.

Certifications :

SOMTUBE® FTB is subject to a technical certificate validated by CCFAT (Commission in charge of technical advice).

DRAINTUBE® FTP is subject to specifications validated by SOCOTEC.

In 2024, to harmonise our range names, these 2 products will progressively be replaced by DRAINTUBE® FTB, which has the same characteristics and benefits from a technical statement and validated by the CCFAT.



A FDES has been published (Fiche de Déclaration Environnementale et Sanitaire / Environmental and Health Declaration Sheet)  and is available here

More information :



  • 45% installation time saved
  • Drainage, mechanical protection and water barrier in a single product = one installation
  • Very flexible, light product, making installation easier in corners
  • No drying time
  • Carbon footprint reduction
  • Economical : does not require drainage materials at the bottom
  • Installed on any substrate, horizontally and vertically
  • No uprooting when backfilled


Drainage Drainage
Filtration Filtration


  • Polypropylene geocomposite
  • Roll width : 1.95 m
  • Roll length : 50 m
  • Output : 800 m2 installed per day by two people
  • One diameter of perforated mini-drains : 20 mm 
  • 3 possible distances between mini-drains : 100 cm, 50 cm and 25 cm


Fiche technique
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Chantiers réalisés avec SOMTUBE FTB / DRAINTUBE FTP

Drainage under waterproofing layer and esplanade concrete slab

Drainage under waterproofing layer and esplanade concrete slab


Philharmonie de Paris (75)
22 000 m2
Philharmonie de Paris involves many outdoor circulation areas. SOMTUBE® FTF was installed in these areas to drain stormwater run-off with a view to limiting contact with the slab waterproofing layer and preventing any risk of ground cracking.