Building construction


PROTECTERRE - Protection against swelling and shrinkage of soils

Marquage CE


In case of drought or massive inflow of water, clayey soils can progressively weaken constructions by differential movements and lead to the appearing of cracks, damaging the structure. PROTECTERRE® ensures a long-time protection thanks to an impermeabilization of the perimeter of the construction and allows to limit the variations of water content which lead to swelling and shrinkage of clayey soils. It is a product used during the construction of new buildings but also for renovation.  

Reglementary-wise, the ELAN law (Evolution of housing, planning and numeric) imposes to protect constructions located in areas exposed to swelling and shrinkage of clayey soils. PROTECTERRE® meets this regulation thanks to its waterproofing which protects the building structure from evaporation and takes runoff water away from the foundations, on a minimum length of 1.50m.


Cartographie de l'exposition du territoire au phénomène de retrait gonflement : 48 % du territoire est en zone d'exposition moyenne ou forte

Map of the exposition of the territory to swelling and shrinkage phenomenon :
48% of the territory is in a medium or high exposition area


  • Fast installation
  • Durable, efficient and waterproof protection all around the building
  • Preservation of the building structure
  • Technical solution which allows to meet the requirements of the ELAN law


Mechanical protection Mechanical protection
Waterproofing Waterproofing


  • Polypropylene geocomposite combined with a 1mm HDPE geomembrane
  • Roll length : 50 m
  • Roll width : 1.95 m to 3.90 m


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